IVS Alumni Association

ALUMNI MEET & GREET 2016 – 30th JANUARY 2016

Posted on: January 18th, 2016 by Administrator No Comments



Dear Alumni,


We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming event, "Meet and Greet", where we are calling all our IVS Alumni together for a hot bowl of soup with slims in winters (yes just like old times) at IVS Campus from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.


We will have a small presentation and a few interactive activities to execute along with placing our souvenir stall and membership cards booth at the event.

You are requested to bring your batch-mates/friends along with you! Don't hesitate to contact us for any query. #bringalumniback


Rahat Rafiq

President, BIG 2015-7

IVS Alumni Association

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